Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Poverty in Switzerland

The media often refers to Switzerland as one of the wealthiest countries. It is a country that others view as a model for a liberal-market economy. Its human development index (HDI) ranking is second in the world.  Despite this, it still requires aid to support hundreds of thousands of residents struggling to make ends meet. In fact, the poverty rate grew from 7.5% in 2016 to 8.2% in 2017. Here is some information about poverty in Switzerland.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Inequality and Poverty in Nambia

Even as one of the eight countries in Africa classified as an upper-middle-income country, Namibia is still striving overall to eliminate extreme poverty and inequality. The implementation of new socioeconomic structures from the Namibian government and partnering initiatives will soon make the vision of no poverty in Namibia a reality.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Palm Oil Production in Indonesia

One can find palm oil in most U.S. packaged products. Indonesia was the top palm oil exporter in 2019 with a record output of 36.18 million tons, making this resource a significant contributor to economic prosperity. However, meeting the high demand for palm oil has taken a toll on the country’s social and natural environment. Here is some information about palm oil production in Indonesia.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Africa Struggles with Lack of Tourism Revenue

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, international travel has been at a standstill, affecting many developing countries in Africa that rely heavily on the funds that tourism generates. The aftermath of the lack of tourism has resulted in the loss of jobs for locals, decreased funding for conservation and a plummet in economic stability.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Peace in Palestine: The Effect of Annexation on Education

The current issue between Israel and Palestine is a critical conflict as Palestinians face possible annexation from regions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, affecting 2.1 to 3 million Palestinians. The political strife has been off and on for approximately 100 years as the possibility of annexation becomes a reality. However, the questions of education, healthcare and human rights become prevalent when considering Palestine and its people. Here’s what you need to know about the problem with peace in Palestine.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Tourism’s Impact On Reducing Poverty

Within the past decade, international travel to developing countries has risen substantially. Countries like Tanzania and Indonesia have benefited from a surge in tourism. Moreover, research postulates that this will improve economic growth in developing countries. Economic developments in these countries are essential for stable socioeconomic growth. Tourism’s impact on reducing poverty within developing nations will be addressed in this article. However, the tourism industries in these countries promote more than just income generation — also, stability, opportunities in local communities, employment and cultural prosperity.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Influenza in Sub-Saharan Africa

Africa is known for being one of the world’s poorest continents. Poverty directly affects a person’s susceptibility to diseases like influenza. To combat this disease, the future of healthcare in Africa requires funding to improve accessibility in rural regions. Here’s what you need to know about influenza in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Allison Lloyd Allison Lloyd

Agriculture: Technoserve Is Alleviating Poverty

Nearly two-thirds of developing countries rely heavily on the economic profit of agriculture to support local financial infrastructure. The industry holds high profitability but farmers rarely have the means to create a profitable business. TechnoServe works closely in agricultural advancements, creating capitalizing markets for countries to grow upon. Technoserve is alleviating poverty through its initiatives in the agricultural sector.

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